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September 30, 2012

Describe what characteristics make a good person.

I have known and loved a man all my life.  He would swear,lose his temper, and never went to church.  He couldn't quote Bible verse yet he was a good man
He was a faithful husband and father providing  shelter, clothing and food for his family.  If one of the churches in town was doing construction, he and his brothers were one of the first to volunteer to help.  He worked in construction and never did a job he wasn't proud of.  He never cheated anyone.  He was humble.  When asked how he got so smart, he said,"I'm old and I've paid attention."  He was a good person.

Another man I knew all my life was also a good person.  He wasn't as colorful as the first one mentioned but was just as good a man.  He didn't swear, lost his temper seldomly, and went to church every Sunday.  He helped people who were older or disabled with repairs to their homes.  He helped his neighbors.  He planted a big garden every year and gave away bushels of vegetables.  He worked hard to keep a roof over his family's heads.  He respected education even though he wasn't able to finish his.  He was a good person.

A woman I knew all my life was also a good person.  She didn't have many faults.  She was quiet,loving and friendly to all. She went to church and prayed daily.  She spent her life taking care of others without complaining.  She had many children and all believed she loved them because she did.  She was a good person.

The people I have described are all good people.  They are all different.  Some with more faults than others but within each of them is a good person.  A person who doesn't think about themself all the time, who follows the golden rule, and is content within themself.

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